Standing shooting in the Olympic Games program
The first international competition in this subspecies of shooting sport took place in 1900 and was held in Paris. It was

How to choose the right throwing equipment for benchrest shooting
Stand shooting is gaining popularity among sportsmen and hunters. However, it should be noted that this sport requires a certain amount of

Stand shooting in Russia: sport or entertainment?
The starting point of sporting development in Russia is considered to be 1999, when the first official sporting competitions were held.

The Falcon electric throwing machine
Standing shooting (sporting) is an Olympic sport, which indicates the high status and prestige of this competition. That's why the choice of

Technical equipment for benchrest shooting
Shooting skills on fast moving targets are practiced on specialized ranges. Special conditions, equipment are required for normal operation. Throwing machines for benchrest

Organization of benchrest shooting
An experienced hunter, sportsman-shooter or shooting enthusiast sooner or later wonders where to conduct his training. It is very important in

Throwing machines for benchrest shooting
The use of specialized devices such as throwing machines for benchrest shooting provides excellent training opportunities for hunters and sportsmen. This type of

Benchrest shooting. A little history
Already in the history of the Middle Ages there are mentions of hunters' competitions in shooting at feathered game. These were especially revered

Safety measures during the organization and conduct of shooting
1. The Zone of Fire is the area of the site that is dangerous for people when shooting. Designers of sports facilities, shooting organizers, and shooters must take into account,

Bench shooting equipment
Stand shooting is rapidly gaining popularity among active people, as it is interesting and exciting. It allows you to spend your leisure time in a fun way and

Skeet throwing machine - peculiarities of choice
Standing shooting is one of the most interesting varieties of shooting sports. It was included in the Olympic disciplines in 1900 at the

Bench shooting
Among popular and accessible sports, benchrest shooting occupies a special place. Due to its loyalty to age and gender, men are fond of it,

Equipment for bench shooting. Throwing machine.
A benchrest throwing machine is a specialized device that serves to launch skeet used as targets for shooters. This

Where benchrest shooting began.
Origins Since ancient times, men have hunted for the purpose of providing food for their families. Centuries ago, to do so.

Throwing machines. Portable and stationary.
Throwing machines in our country are becoming increasingly popular not only with professionals, but also with those who only quite

Electric throwing machines for bench shooting
The hobby of benchrest shooting is a very interesting and exciting modern sport. A person who once tried skeet shooting can become so passionate about it,

Shooting rules
A fascinating sport is benchrest shooting, which refers to subtypes of shooting competitions. Demonstrate your skill in hitting artificial targets from the

Shooting safety
Stories of men going on hunting trips and getting into various mishaps, either by shooting their fellow man or themselves, are regularly